Travel Vaccines/Immunizations

Ahmadur  Rahman, MD -  - Internist

Ahmadur Rahman, MD

Internist & Primary Care Physician located in Union Square, New York, NY & Jamaica Queens, Jamaica, NY

At his practice in Manhattan, Dr. Rahman helps patients from New York City stay healthy with travel vaccines and immunizations for school, work and sports.

Travel Vaccines/Immunizations Details

What types of vaccinations and immunizations are available?

There are dozens of vaccines and immunizations available today to help keep people of all ages as healthy as possible. The most common ones are those required for school and some types of employment, as well as vaccines for travel, including vaccinations for:

  • chickenpox

  • measles, mumps and rubella

  • tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough)

  • shingles

  • tuberculosis

  • flu (influenza)

  • hepatitis A and B

  • polio

  • HPV (human papillomavirus)

  • meningitis

  • pneumonia

Travel vaccination requirements can var by region and even by country. We provide patients with vaccinations for all their travel needs, beyond what's included on this list.

Why do I or my child need to be vaccinated?

Vaccinations provide important protection against many types of serious, debilitating and even deadly diseases, above and beyond what the bod's natural immune system is able to handle. Some vaccinations help supplement our natural immunity, while others helps us become immune to diseases for which our bodies have no natural immunity. Vaccinations aren't just important for your own personal health; they also help prevent the spread of disease from one person to another.

I had immunizations as a child. Do I still need to have new ones?

Some childhood vaccinations are developed to provide a lifetime of immunity, but many immunizations require “booster” shots to help maintain immunity as you get older. In addition, changes in diseases can also make some older immunizations less effective, and having injections of more modern vaccines is necessary to remain immune.

Can vaccines make me sick?

Vaccines may cause some mild flu-like symptoms or mild fever for a day or so following injection; these are natural reactions that occur as your body begins producing the antibodies that will provide you with immunity. You will not “catch” the disease for which you're being immunized.


We Accept Major Insurance Plans

We accept major insurance plans. If your plan is not listed, please contact the office to learn more. 

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Humana Medicare PPO
Oscar Health Insurance Co.
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